NAVIGATION- Dr. Charles R. Davenport; Licensed Psychologist

Dr. Davenport interviewed by ABC 7 on standardized testing

Kate Flexter a reporter with Sarasota’s local ABC affiliate recently spoke with Dr. Davenport about the use of standardized testing  in Florida schools.


The story aired 5-4-2016 on the 7 pm evening news see it here

This story in particular, discussed a recent case, where a student with cerebral palsy was being made to take standardized testing that her mother is resisting this process stating that  this test is not  reasonable for this  unique student.  The suggestion is that standardized testing can be an accurate measure  of student performance if they fall under a normal distribution i.e. the Bell curve. The students mother requested exception from the state and was denied  without explanation or opportunity for appeal according to the new story.

Dr. Davenport was chosen for this interview, in part, due to his experience in educational testing and diagnosis and assessment of learning disabled,, gifted, and twice exceptional gifted learning disabled students.


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