NAVIGATION- Dr. Charles R. Davenport; Licensed Psychologist

Category : child development

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Bipolar in Children- What does it look like and how is it treated?

Frequently the presentation of bipolar in children is misdiagnosed for other illnesses or behavioral problems. Bipolar disorder was once know as manic depression and it is a form of depression marked by separate or combined symptoms of depression and mania or hypomania. Although, there are not different diagnostic criteria for bipolar in children, it should

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Dad’s mental health effects kids a lot

There is not a whole lot of information about Dad’s mental health and its impact on his kids. Far more common is the discussion of mothers well-being and its impact on children. Previous research has indicated that depressed mothers have altered immune function, are at greater risk for psychological disorders and may react to stress

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New guidelines to help recognize depression in teens

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) just released guidelines for pediatricians to help diagnose depression in teens. One in five teens will experience depression at some point in adolescence, according to new findings. The AAP has called for every child 12 years and older to be screened for depression. How to help your child thrive

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Social Media can harm mental health according to study by Facebook

Social media can be harmful to your mental health according to a new study by Facebook. research released by Facebook suggests that when used in certain ways social media and our mental health. This research was discussed on Facebook’s webpage “Hard Questions: Is Spending Time on Social Media Bad for Us?” David Ginsberg, Facebook’s director of

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Dr. Davenport interviewed by ABC 7 on standardized testing

Kate Flexter a reporter with Sarasota’s local ABC affiliate recently spoke with Dr. Davenport about the use of standardized testing  in Florida schools.   The story aired 5-4-2016 on the 7 pm evening news see it here This story in particular, discussed a recent case, where a student with cerebral palsy was being made to take standardized

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If you were a caregiver as a child you may have a hard time attending idealy to your kids.

Emerging research by Michigan State University’s Amy K. Nuttall, Ph.D. suggests that mothers who took on burdensome care giving roles as children (parentified children caregivers) and were not allowed to “be kids” tend to be less sensitive to their own children’s needs. “If your childhood was defined by parents expecting you to perform too much care giving

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Confirmed link between violent video games and aggression.

The American Psychological Association (APA), in a press release August 13, 2015 discusses recent research which finds a link between violent video games and aggression. “The research demonstrates a consistent relation between violent video game use and increases in aggressive behavior, aggressive cognitions and aggressive affect, and decreases in prosocial behavior, empathy and sensitivity to aggression,” says

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How to help your children thrive and be happy

Most parents hope to raise children that are self-sufficient and able to contribute to society. Additionally, parents want their children to have a better life and progress. Helping our children care for themselves, treat themselves with love as we would, could be aided by encouraging healthy lifestyle habits. This includes sleeping well, eating well, and

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When your child won’t talk… Anxiety based Selective Mutism

Florida International University (FIU) offers intensive, weeklong immersion programs for students who struggle with a form of anxiety called Selective Mutism. Selective Mutism is most frequently seen in children younger than five years old. Many times these children tend to be more anxious or inhibited. Anxiety or worry about how others may assess them is also frequently

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“Helicopter Parenting” it never helps… intention doesn’t matter

helicopter parenting, descriptor frequently used to illustrate the problematic parenting style where parents have difficulty allowing their children to make mistakes or operate independently. Many parents identify their involvement in their children’s life stemming from desire for good things. Recent research at Brigham Young University finds that this parenting style may be detrimental irrespective of parents

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Dr. Charles R. Davenport is a Licensed Psychologist
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