NAVIGATION- Dr. Charles R. Davenport; Licensed Psychologist

Category : depression treatment

Mental health to blame for shootings?

In a recent address, president Trump said, “We must reform our mental health laws to better identify mentally disturbed individuals who may commit acts of violence and make sure those people not only get treatment but when necessary involuntary confinement.” President Trump may not be an expert on mental health but one accurate point is

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Binge drinking is not just a problem for college kids a new study finds

Research published today in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society by Dr. Benjamin, Han found that over one tenth of adults over 65 years old, in the United States, are esitmated to be binge drinkers. College students typically come to mind when thinking of binge drinking. This steryotype leaves out older adults who

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New guidelines to help recognize depression in teens

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) just released guidelines for pediatricians to help diagnose depression in teens. One in five teens will experience depression at some point in adolescence, according to new findings. The AAP has called for every child 12 years and older to be screened for depression. How to help your child thrive

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Social Media can harm mental health according to study by Facebook

Social media can be harmful to your mental health according to a new study by Facebook. research released by Facebook suggests that when used in certain ways social media and our mental health. This research was discussed on Facebook’s webpage “Hard Questions: Is Spending Time on Social Media Bad for Us?” David Ginsberg, Facebook’s director of

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Neuroscience, compassion, and what helps change

What compassion means in the body and how we can work to find change, James Doty, a brain surgeon who studies neuroscience discusses these topics and more in his book The Magic Shop of the Brain. A recent episode of NPR’s On Being invites Dr. Doty to discuss his experiences in life, with compassion, and finding positive

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Childhood Stress May = Impaired Reward System as Adults

Recent findings published in the journal Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience by Duke University researchers suggest a potential pathway where childhood stress may increase risk for depression or other mental health problems in adulthood. This data is not shocking news nor is it as daunting a finding as it may seem. Our mind bases a lot

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Acetaminophen: reduces pain but also pleasure…

many of us are familiar with acetaminophen and its powerful ability to reduce pain and fever. This over-the-counter medication has also been found to reduce painful emotions and more recently it has been suggested that it may reduce positive feeling as well. Recent research published in Psychological Science in the journal of the Association for

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Your psychological well-being may be reflected in your skin

Recent studies by the American psychological Association (APA) suggest a connection between common skin conditions like acne, psoriasis, eczema, itching, pain, and hives may be related to significant experience of stress, anxiety, and depression among other psychological concerns. To some, this may be expected, to others they may be surprised to hear. has a licensed psychologist

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Mindfulness, antiaging, fountain of youth?

In recent years mindfulness has become a hot topic in popular culture. Meditation, the book- The Power of Now, Marcia Linehan’s dialectical behavioral therapy for borderline personality disorder, yoga, and even martial arts all have common threads of hope for increased health and aim to focus on the present moment and our experiences in it.

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Dr. Charles R. Davenport is a Licensed Psychologist
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