NAVIGATION- Dr. Charles R. Davenport; Licensed Psychologist

Category : counseling services Sarasota FL

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Bipolar in Children- What does it look like and how is it treated?

Frequently the presentation of bipolar in children is misdiagnosed for other illnesses or behavioral problems. Bipolar disorder was once know as manic depression and it is a form of depression marked by separate or combined symptoms of depression and mania or hypomania. Although, there are not different diagnostic criteria for bipolar in children, it should

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Decrease stress, prioritize mental health, and get the most out of time off.

It’s not easy to take time off work especially when we are under stress to perform. Taking time off can be extra hard when it’s for mental health. In past few years, there has been increasing awareness and chatter about taking mental health days. Near the end of May, Nadia Whittome, one of the youngest

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Feeling younger can help protect against stress and health decline!

In a recently published study published in Psychology and Aging researchers from the German Centre of Gerontology looked at data from 5,039 participants age 40 and older. They considered peoples’ perceived stress and their functional health. They also collected subjective age by asking “how old do you feel?” The research found that participants who reported

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Mental health to blame for shootings?

In a recent address, president Trump said, “We must reform our mental health laws to better identify mentally disturbed individuals who may commit acts of violence and make sure those people not only get treatment but when necessary involuntary confinement.” President Trump may not be an expert on mental health but one accurate point is

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Binge drinking is not just a problem for college kids a new study finds

Research published today in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society by Dr. Benjamin, Han found that over one tenth of adults over 65 years old, in the United States, are esitmated to be binge drinkers. College students typically come to mind when thinking of binge drinking. This steryotype leaves out older adults who

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Dr. Charles R. Davenport is a Licensed Psychologist
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